Pentecost Sunday

Please note: there will be no youth or children’s Sunday school.

All are welcome to a special blended service on Pentecost that includes aspects from all three of our worship services. During the service, you will hear from the Chancel and Chapel Choirs, the Chancel Carillon, and our Praise Team.

Don‘t forget to wear red!

Celebrate the Church’s Birthday! Celebrate the Church’s birthday by bringing a present for our Birthday Club ministry that provides birthday bags to Northwood School students who may otherwise not receive a birthday gift. Suggested items include toys, stuffed animals, coloring books, games, funfetti cake mix and icing, birthday paper products, etc. Bring your gift to worship on Pentecost Sunday!

Church-Wide Meal: All are welcome to a church-wide meal immediately following worship in the Allred Center. We will gather for a delicious buffet-style lunch of sandwiches and salads from Bistro 165. Open to all! There is no cost (however, donations are welcome!), and RSVPs are not needed.


Prayer Class


May Fellowship Meal